Hello minecraft fans. It has been a month since we started the server and we are now on around 5 trusted members. I will update hopefully often with images of maps, builds and players. This will be the first place to go if the server is down as if I know something is wrong here will be where I post up details.
Some Info:
I am currently paying for the server to be running 24/7 with 6 slots.
I can add more slot's but it's a monthly rate. (May need funding) Get to that when/if needed later.
On the server there is a big yellow wall that we can post in game onto.
The white one is for telling me names to add to white list.
To do list:
Post up some images.
Post up the rules.
Plan team builds and areas then post the details on here.
Post up a way to join if you don't know someone already on the server.
(Create a tagged map image showing area names and places (Including rail routes) as well as good build spots for new and old players)
And to finish this first post I will upload the map that was around the day this blog was made.
This is a full view of the map (28/06/11)
This is the first town (Village) made. Contains the Colosseum, train station, massive mines, 2 cut n grow forests, 4 player houses and an under ground train link. (28/06/11)