Welcome to the server blog!

The server is open to anyone via an invite or by applying. We have a limited number of slots (People online at the same time) so we have to keep numbers lower at the moment. Everyone is welcome to look at the server screen shots and trough the blog posts.
Server: Offline from the 26th of August until update 1.8. (Note the map is scheduled to be reset but builds may be transferred to new map.) (Reason: Funding/lowplayer count)
Monsters: Offline (May be online at very short notice)
IP Address:
Email: MCEmpire@gmail.com
You must first be white listed (Joined to server by admin) for this IP to work.

World Map

Error: Embedded data could not be displayed.

Thursday, 30 June 2011

Image Update: Screen Shots!

Hello! This is another Image update looking at images from the EMPIRE!
This is the start of the island station which is miles down some rail track some where!

Another angle.

Creepers LOVE it!

They also love blowing us up!

The ocean.

The settlement!

Angle 2!

Angle 3!

Close up 1!

Another close up!



Light house!

Light house!

Light house!

Updated to version 1.7 - Server running!

The new update is here. We have just updated the server to 1.7 and there has been no issues. Just update your version of minecraft when prompted and you should be able to play as normal but with these new features! 

Minecraft Beta 1.7


+ Added pistons
+ Fire or redstone is now required to trigger TNT
+ Fences can be stacked
+ Added shears
+ Shears can be used to pick up leaf blocks
+ Shears can be used to shear sheep without hurting them
* Sheep no longer drop wool from being punched
See you later! Have fun!

Update: New Rails, New land!

Hey minecraft fans. Been a busy day of minecrafting. I have decided to do some recording of the game play on the server. I'll do recorded tours of the server builds and also some little videos of general play. I will commentate but it will take a while for me to get used to the recording. 10menjohn may join me along with some other players if they want.
In other news we need more building to happen so I'm spending some of today hopefully making more reasons to want to do that. This will be the mega build, challenges and a new idea of Top Builds.
We have built some speedy rails out across the land that not only give you the achievement but also lead you to new areas that you may wish to build in. 
That was your update for today, now is a list of what is going on. (So I don't forget)

This is a full view of the map (29/06/11)

To do list:
Plan team builds and areas then post the details on here. (Mega Build Plans)
Create a tagged map image showing area names and places (Including rail routes) as well as good build spots for new and old players. (Annotated map)
Challenges need to be implemented outside/inside game.
Top Builds (Feature on blog) This will allow players to submit their build to a list of the top 10 top builds on the server. (These builds will also be scouted for but telling me about them will make it easier!)

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Image Update! More screen shots from the EMPIRE!

The kitchen. The first thought out interior design on server!

The dark Hell Gate!

Pit to the bottom of the world!

Another picture of the pit to the bottom of the world.

Long mine cart track. Use this to get the achievement!

This is one of the stations you enter along the track.

This is another one of the stations you may encounter.

Inside the double platform station.

Saying bye to that place.

Another massive bridge!

Half way over!

Hut along the way!

That is the hut's shed!

More epic bridge!

The log station (With tree roofing)

The way in.


Going away from it.

Image Update! Screen Shots of the EMPIRE!

This will be a reguller post. Image Updates will feature anything interesting that has been built or edited or funny things that happen (Fights). So keep checking the blog for more screen shots.
This is one of the stations, there are a few that look like this.

MCPaddyB's tower, Also the Colosseum to the left and big yellow wall to the right.

This is a shot of the out side of base camp. The first mine we had.

These are some smokin' pumpkins.

This is the first forest we have for collecting wood then planting the saplings.

Abadon_Almighty's House in the wall.

10mensam's house. Full of paintings. There is a secret door under the ground to look inside. Iron doors don't work.

Shot of the arena (Colosseum) 

The fighting area in the arena.

Inside 10menjohn's house.

10menjohn's nice upstairs loft conversion.

Outside 10menjohn's house.

New Players

Comment your user name bellow to put your self forward for server entry. Space in limited right now so entrance might not be too fast.

Please also leave any images of builds and any information about yourself that might help your application. A trial might be given to anyone just to see how they fit in... make sure they don't steal and break stuff.

Report Damage

This is where you can comment to tell us of any damage that has been done. By you another play or a creeper. This will then hopefully be fixed. Screen shot, place on map image and any other details really will help here.

Report players

Please comment on this post if you need to report a player. Evidence, name and any other details will help settle and dispute.

New idea: Challenges

This would be a way for people to earn 1-10 diamonds by completing challenges that would be posted in the update right here on the forum.
So at the end of the update posts there will be a little list of challenges that a player can complete in order to gain a reward. Diamonds.

Build a fancy bridge over (Show a map with the location) that is 4 blocks wide and spans the entire length of the water. The bridge must be well lit and have iron doors with buttons. A material other then Cobble stone, dirt, sand or gravel must be used. Rewarding: 10 Diamonds.

This sound good? Comment below.

Mega Build Ideas

A mega build (On our server) will be when a group of people work together to create something really amazing and/or useful on the server.

Ideas could be anything, I'll post some examples.

A light house - (Abandon_Almighty)
Rail way/Stations to other areas (10mensam)
The Colosseum (World vote) (Currently in progress)

So just post as a comment on this post any ideas you may have. You can start your own at any time with friends without having to suggest here.

Anyone can join in on a mega build if it is posted on here, but they must follow the plans that are laid out.

Another way to help would be contributing to the required item list. This can be helped via admin importing items/blocks into the game but it's something that is avoided as if it's used to much it will ruin the essence of the game. This was used on the "New World" Rail system for the second half as we ran out of rail so to avoid even more time in the mines some rail was brought in.

Ok, so... post your suggestions in the comment section below!

Update: Been a month, Blog starts!

Hello minecraft fans. It has been a month since we started the server and we are now on around 5 trusted members. I will update hopefully often with images of maps, builds and players. This will be the first place to go if the server is down as if I know something is wrong here will be where I post up details.
Some Info:
I am currently paying for the server to be running 24/7 with 6 slots.
I can add more slot's but it's a monthly rate. (May need funding) Get to that when/if needed later.
On the server there is a big yellow wall that we can post in game onto.
The white one is for telling me names to add to white list.
To do list:
Post up some images.
Post up the rules.
Plan team builds and areas then post the details on here.
Post up a way to join if you don't know someone already on the server.
(Create a tagged map image showing area names and places (Including rail routes) as well as good build spots for new and old players)

And to finish this first post I will upload the map that was around the day this blog was made.
This is a full view of the map (28/06/11)

This is the first town (Village) made. Contains the Colosseum, train station, massive mines, 2 cut n grow forests, 4 player houses and an under ground train link.  (28/06/11)